UPDATE 29MAY2021—Testing is still a good idea, especially if you remain unvaccinated. Follow the links near the bottom of this article for more information.
UPDATE 29MAY2021—A previous update had an incorrect link to LA County resources. We regret the error and any inconvenience. The pages linked below in the body of the article contain the intended information.
THIS ARTICLE will be updated intermittently. Members may sign in and add comments at the bottom; please limit comments to new testing sites or pertinent public information; nonsense will be removed upon discovery.
At this time, COVID-19 testing is limited to the most vulnerable Los Angeles County residents who are:
65 and older; and/or
Have underlying health conditions including:
Heart disease
Chronic lung disease
Moderate to severe asthma
People who are immunocompromised, including as a result of cancer treatment; and/or have been subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine period because they have been exposed to an individual with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and have more than 7 days of the 2-week quarantine period remaining.
Anyone interested in getting tested must first register on the screening website. This first step determines if people are eligible to be tested. At the website, individuals are asked to answer basic questions including name, date of birth, address, and whether they are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing. The website (in real time) determines and confirms an individual’s testing eligibility. Those who receive confirmation of testing eligibility will then be given a selection of testing sites, available appointment times to complete the test registration process. The registration number will be required information at the testing site.
All of the testing locations are “drive-up” — clients stay in their cars for tests (though pedestrian clients with appointments can be tested as well). The test is a self- administered oral swab, meaning clients must swab their own mouths/throats using instructions provided to them at the site. The testing process takes between 5 and 10 minutes, however waiting times may vary. More information and frequently asked questions are available at covid19.lacounty.gov/testing.
“The goal is to increase testing capacity as quickly as possible in Los Angeles County to meet the community’s needs, which are growing every day,” said Dr. Clayton Kazan, medical director of the LA County Fire Department, who is leading the county-wide coordination of COVID19 testing.
Dr. Kazan continues to reach out to healthcare stakeholders all across Los Angeles County. Los Angeles County seeks to support and scale the efforts of cities and health care providers who have begun their own testing programs, merge them into the county-wide network and ensure that they have adequate supplies. Additional sites in Northridge, Long Beach, Lancaster, and Pasadena are presently in planning stages.
For more information and FAQs: Go HERE.
To register and see if you are eligible for a test: Go HERE.