TCHS Alumni News
Temple City High School, California
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Welcome our newest member
Terri (Velasquez) Stamper (1971)

Checking in...

The following recent personal updates are drawn from members' profiles. Sign in to add yours!

Terri (Velasquez) Stamper 1971 10/14/2024 1:38 PM
Retired and living in Washington
Rees Clark 1960 10/01/2024 3:25 PM
Good news: Sharon (Pattison) Stuewe '77 has agreed to join us as 1977 Class Coordinator. Welcome, Sharon!
David Mann 1960 08/12/2024 6:59 PM
In 2016 we moved into Glenaire, a continuing care retirement community, in Cary. There we have been unbelievably busy. I am chair of the 60 person choir and lead audio engineer for our three in-house TV channels.


News preview...

Class coordinators may post News. Apply here!
Class of 77 — in Memoriam
Sharon Pattison Stuewe has shared a remembrance of lost classmates as displayed at a recent reunion.

Click the image to enlarge; click again to maximize. For the original full... Continues...
Repair the Readers' Circle
In a Facebook group this week there was a thread about the stone circle outside the TCHS Library, which may not be receiving the TLC it deserves. Here is a possible... Continues...
Commercial alumni sites often scams or click bait
Since the 1990s various providers have created so-called "alumni" websites as a way of collecting email addresses and other personal data that are not used in furtherance of actual... Continues...

Alumni Assn./News registered subscribers may advertise here.

Forums, groups, miscellany...

Jun 04, 2024, 1:56 PM
Hello! This is an example of a story about a business operated by a member of the Association. You can send in a story about your own company. Certain... [LINK]
Apr 29, 2024, 9:47 AM
As juniors & seniors, Jerry Gardner '60 and I shared the field announcer role for the first two years of TCHS football at what was later named North Field...
Mar 05, 2024, 9:07 PM
Registered users will see a List Members link at top of page. The list is not visible to the general public. There are also class lists visible elsewhere....
Feb 17, 2024, 12:03 PM
Please join the Temple City High School Class of 1984 on Facebook for the most current information.
Feb 16, 2024, 9:15 AM


Calendar Preview

25-Dec-2024 - Christmas
Use the Contact form to suggest TCHS, alumni and community events for inclusion here.


New Members

Terri (Velasquez) Stamper (1971)
Lisa (Wang) King (2001)
Sue (Hart) Ruiz (1967)
Mary (Wofford) Leamy (1974)
Laurie Hart (1974)

Recent Visitors

The following members have recently signed in... Terri Stamper, 14 Oct; Sue Dahl, 09 Oct; Sue Ruiz, 07 Oct; Sharon Stuewe, 05 Oct; Mary Leamy, 05 Oct; Bob Fine, 03 Oct; Rees Clark, 01 Oct; Vicki Downer, 28 Sep; Stepheny Heller, 24 Sep; William J Sloan, 20 Sep.

Recent Obituaries

Matt Hudson 1962; Rick Scott 1957; Jim Brewer 1960; Len Canzoneri 1978; David Allen Morris 1960. This update contains only names of members of TCHS Alumni Assn.
More obituaries and the reporting procedure are here. (Login required.)
Public Service Announcement
Registered alumni may place a FREE ad for their own business or that of their employer. Banners and other tools are available at low cost. Contact editor for details.

Member-sponsored Announcement

Class coordinators receive posting privileges in our News. Apply here.

Last modified
September 15, 2024