Temple City High School, California
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Alumni News Views
Alumni Update
Temple City Led 1950s Development of SoCal Special Education

Temple City was a leader in special education in the 1950s, far ahead of its time. The article makes clear that community support made the whole enterprise possible. Other nearby districts gradually established parallel programs specialized for other forms of full or partial disability. I’ve always been proud to be from a place that exemplified the best in diversity, equity and inclusiveness.

The rest of the story

A kindasorta unbiased review of TCHS Alumni News
We asked an AI program to analyze our site. Here is the result. You may add your own comment below; what are we missing?

We asked: "examine tchsalumni.org for content and style; comment on both"

The virtual reviewer responded:

The TCHS Alumni website (tchsalumni.org) offers a comprehensive and community-focused platform tailored for Temple City High School alumni. Its content is highly participatory, featuring class updates, reunion announcements, personal messages from alumni, and opportunities for networking through directories and forums. The tone is friendly and nostalgic, fostering a sense of connection and shared history.

Key features include:

News and Updates: Posts about class reunions, alumni achievements, and community events, reflecting an informal and personable style.

Membership and Directory Services: Free membership with options for enhanced listings to promote alumni businesses and sponsorships. This supports the site’s mission and a potential scholarship fund​
Alumni Communication Tools: Group mailing and directory listings for staying in touch or promoting class-related initiatives. These services maintain a balance of privacy and outreach​.

The website’s style is straightforward and practical, using conversational language peppered with light humor to maintain reader engagement. While the design is functional, it could feel slightly dated compared to modern web standards, but this simplicity might appeal to its target audience of older alumni.

Overall, TCHSAlumni.org successfully blends utility and sentimentality, making it a valuable resource for maintaining alumni ties and celebrating shared experiences.
Class of 77 — in Memoriam

Sharon Pattison Stuewe has shared a remembrance of lost classmates as displayed at a recent reunion.

Click the image to enlarge; click again to maximize. For the original full size version click the following link. (From the home page preview first click the title.)

Full size view...

Track/football stadium closes for renovation

After 66 years TCHS's North Field - Hitchcock Stadium officially closed June 7 for reconstruction and refitting. We await news of the intended reopening date, TC folk.

TCHS played away meets and games at opponents' facilities for its first two years. The south bleachers, turf and track were constructed for the 1958-59 seasons. TC lost all its games in its first year and most the second, an inauspicious start to what became a more legendary heritage.


Alumni-related firm promotes cooking-oil recycling

Since 2008 my company has provided scheduling services to the used cooking oil (UCO) recycling industry, using a customer relations database with turn-by-turn routing. In the year of maximum activity, our clients made 135,000 stops at about 40,000 restaurants and collected 7.9 million gallons of oil weighing 59,726,437 pounds.

About 77.4 percent of each pound of UCO is carbon. Thus the equivalent amount of carbon (est. 0.774 X 59MM = 46MM lb = 21,012 metric tons) was not extracted from the Earth as petroleum, because the oil came from agriculture, not from drilling, and the majority of the carbon was used twice, once for cooking and once for energy.

The USA adds approximately 1,424 million metric tons of carbon to the atmosphere each year, based on CO₂ emissions data from 2021. A national program to recycle 90% of UCO from restaurants could significantly reduce the US carbon emissions. As with all recycling efforts, each person or industry can achieve little, but together we can do much.

Now let's talk about that half-gallon of two-year-old Mazola under your kitchen counter.

Company profile

Celebration planned as athletic field closes for remodel

TCHS will close its football and track stadium (North Field aka Hitchcock Stadium) after the current term ends. A new facility will rise in its place. At this time no reopening data has been confirmed, but if you care to shed a tear you can attend the June 7 event described in the poster.

A bit of history: The football and track facility opened in fall 1959 and was named North Field after 1960 honoring school's founding principal, Arthur North. The Hitchcock Stadium designation was added in about 2010 marking former coach Bob Hitchcock teams' long run of successful seasons and championships. To paraphrase Santayana: those who forget history are doomed to name stadiums that already have a name and occasionally to print misleading posters.

Tips on getting that first job after high school
High school graduates face an array of opportunities and challenges when entering the job market. Securing a good first job requires a combination of strategic planning, skills development, networking, and perseverance.

Firstly, it's crucial for high school graduates to identify their interests, strengths, and career goals. Self-assessment helps in determining the type of job that aligns with their passions and abilities. Researching various industries and job roles can provide insights into potential career paths.

Next, acquiring relevant skills and qualifications greatly enhances job prospects. Whether through vocational training, certifications, or higher education, investing in skill development is essential. Skills such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability are highly valued by employers across industries.

Building a professional network is another key aspect. Attending career fairs, networking events, and leveraging online platforms like LinkedIn can connect graduates with potential employers and mentors. Networking not only facilitates job opportunities but also provides valuable guidance and support.

Crafting a polished resume and cover letter tailored to each job application is vital. Highlighting relevant experiences, achievements, and skills increases the likelihood of getting noticed by recruiters. Additionally, practicing for interviews and showcasing enthusiasm and confidence during interactions can leave a lasting impression on employers.

Internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer opportunities offer valuable hands-on experience and insights into the professional world. Gaining practical experience not only enhances skillsets but also demonstrates initiative and commitment to potential employers.

Lastly, maintaining a positive attitude and being resilient in the face of rejection is essential. The job search process can be challenging, but perseverance pays off. Learning from setbacks, seeking feedback, and continuously improving oneself are keys to long-term success.

In summary, high school graduates can increase their chances of landing a good first job by clarifying their career goals, developing relevant skills, building a professional network, crafting strong application materials, gaining practical experience, and maintaining a positive mindset throughout their job search journey.

—Reader submission.
Baby it's ??? outside!
We've added a weather widget for Temple City. Scroll to find the prettified view on the home page, or while this item is active, click the TEMPLE CITY link below.


Business Directory Returns!
The TCHS Alumni Business Directory is back with new features and easier operation. Who should care?
  • Alumni subscribers may have a text-only listing FREE. Advertise to our thousands of alumni readers (Update: TCHS Alumni News has served readers with over 8,938,950 pages of information about all things Alumni and TC.
  • Non-alumni community businesses and organizations can sponsor TCHS Alumni News with the best deal you'll find this year.
  • Upgrade listings with image and extended text.
  • Maintain your own content with simple online forms, or ask us to create content for modest fees. (Portions of revenue are used to support this website, surpluses (we live in hope) will be reserved for the creation of an alumni scholarship fund.)
  • Maintain contact with easy online forms.
  • See reports of views and responses.
For more information use the form at the bottom of any page.
Alumni offspring needs a hand
Wendy Ashton McKenna '73 writes in Facebook: "I wanted to share this GoFundMe post from our dear classmate and friend Jenny Lawrence. (Jennifer Joanis) Jenny's son Brian was burned terribly from a propane fire recently and is in need of help. He lost everything he had so if you can please donate to the fund to help him get back on his feet plus help with the medical bills to come that would be greatly appreciated! If you're unable to donate at this time please just keep Jenny and her family in your thoughts and prayers."

She added the following from Jenny (Joanis) Lawrence, in turn from a GoFundMe appeal from Brian's sister. "Hello, I am Brian's sister Ashley. On Saturday Nov. 18, 2023, we received a call that Brian was in a trailer fire and had to be transferred to a burn unit in Las Vegas NV due to his severe burns that consumed over 30% of his body. He will be in the burn unit for 3-5weeks... [He had been struggling, and...] with this sudden accident, he is left without anything again. All of his clothes, personal belongings and trailer he lived in are gone. Now having to start all over again. Brian has received skin grafting to his whole face and back so far, now waiting for arms chest and hands. He is in good spirts for the most part but is worried about the medical bills that will be coming. We are asking for any donations to help with the medical bills and clothes he will need in the next 3-5weeks."

GoFundMe page

TCHS Girls CIF Volleyball Champs

Temple City defeated Rancho Christian to become 2023 CIF Division 5 volleyball champions on 3 November, according to the Pasadena Star-News.


Class Reunion Cruise // Canceled - No Group Reservation

UPDATE from Hector via Farcebook: I wanted to let you know that we did not meet the required number of commitments of classmates to confirm a group reservation. As a result I will cancel our reservation. WE WILL NOT BE HAVING A CRUISE CLASS REUNION.
Martha and I will continue to plan our annual seven day Mexican Riviera Cruise for travel mid-October to mid-November. We will schedule our cruise by February 15,2024. This will not be a group reservation. It will not be a reunion cruise. Just to give you an idea of cost for this trip we paid $1,500. For both of us plus taxes. I don’t yet know the 2024 prices. If you are possibly interested Message me and I will give you our travel dates and who our agent is.
Happy Thanksgiving to all

Thanks to Hector Hernandez, plans are in the works for a fun 4-day Temple City High School Reunion Cruise next year! The 4-day cruise would leave from Long Beach with stops at Catalina and Ensenada.

Hector needs a tentative head count in order to move forward with plans and to get a group discount and on-board perks. Through Facebook we have about 25 people so far interested in going. A “yes” doesn’t obligate you to go, but let’s him know that you really hope to go.

A date hasn’t been set yet, but we’re shooting for sometime in July-October 2024. The cost is approximately $350 per person, which includes your stateroom, all on-board food and entertainment. Secure parking is about $20 per day.

Other friends and family members are welcome and ALL CLASSES are welcome as well. The more people who go the more perks we get!! Send an email to Martha Hernandez at rob-mar92@hotmail.com with your name, your email address and number of people in your party so we can keep you updated with the details.

“Be There or Be Square!”
Class of '74 Photo
Class of '74 Photo

Susan (Sasse) Peer '74 has submitted the adjacent photo of the class. Click the photo for a larger view, click again to maximize (depending on your browser), or open it in the Gallery.

Are you a class member? You can submit a C/74 story for inclusion in TCHS Alumni News. Of course, we're always seeking class coordinators to maintain contact data and announce class events.
Torosian's Broomball reaches bookstore shelves

Writer and friend of TC Joe Torosian's newest effort is Broomball, a look into church athletics. Torosian's feel-of-the-50s (and the years after) style has captured much that is good and bad about youth sports. Here's the Amazon teaser (Kindle version). —RC

“Broomball, man. It’s not cheating. It’s trying.”--Ryan Merlo

The weekend before the events of The Pastor Who Couldn’t Wait For Christmas…To Be Over, two church youth groups got together to play Broomball. What starts as a pleasant inter-denominational fellowship quickly turns into a desperate competition. The truth learned is that Broomball can never be organized, reformed, or sanitized because embedded into its DNA are anarchy and outlaw.

"Glorious! Torosian captures all the beauty and drama of church athletics."

Review & purchase @ Amazon

TC to Celebrate 100th Year

Come see the TCUSD students perform. Band, Auxiliary/Guard, Choreo, cheer, combined choirs, and Brighter Side Singers will provide entertainment throughout the day.