Each album contains photos of a single event or theme. Albums may also contain other albums with similar themes.
Class Photos
Please help build our collection; submit your class panorama or scan your yearbook pages. TCHS and earlier group photos from all classes are welcome; please contact the editor for assistance with forming a group and uploading your photos.
1 Photos - 2 Sub Albums
Click one of the thumbnail views to see images from the event.
0 Photos - 7 Sub Albums
Who Are We?
From time to time we run a "contest" to identify people or events in old photos. (Jan 2009: This feature has been moved to the News section.)
11 Photos
Theory of Evolution
TC Ram has gone through many incarnations. (If you have others, send them along.) Here's an opportunity for some really serious bio-social research. Master's candidates take note.
5 Photos
Sports Memorabilia - Pre-1956
Send your scanned photos and be part of TCHS sports history. Write to the editor for format requirements and instructions before sending.
2 Photos
Wait a minute! This doesn't fit any of the album descriptions. Shall we throw it away, or... (Send us your gag photos and write a fun description.)
1 Photos