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Temple City High School, California
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Services, Organization, Plans
TCHS Alumni Assn. Membership
General Information & Members-only Features

Membership, Sponsorship, Login

  • Membership is FREE and open to all former students and friends of Temple City High School.
  • Members are encouraged to become sponsors and help build the association.
  • Membership has its benefits and privileges. Learn More.


The Alumni Roster is the heart of this site. It is intended to contain the names and data of all former TCHS students without regard to graduation (people are more important than paper). If you attended TCHS and have not registered, please do so now; just look for the Join Us! links around the site.

We do not have a complete list of former students. Only a few classes have contributed their lists. You can help us complete the roster by submitting a list of your classmates; the easiest way is to type the names into a spreadsheet, for which you may request a model from the editors.

The Member List contains ony self-registered users of this website and is viewable only by members while signed in.

For enrolled members the two lists are linked. Sign in each time you visit the site. Members can use the roster and associated features easily to maintain their own data and to communicate with friends and classmates.


Group Mailing

    • We will do mailings to alumni on behalf of classes to announce reunions and other special events. We can send both electronic and postal mail to persons in the alumni roster or the business and sponsor directory.
    • We will NOT engage in bulk commercial email or other junk mail. Do not even ask!
    • We will NOT distribute the alumni list to other entities, in keeping with the statements elsewhere on our sites.
    • ELECTRONIC: We can send your message to all or a subset of our alumni list. You must provide your message in an approved format (normally plain text). Email returns will come to you, and you will be solely responsible for list for list maintenance and accuracy. Our fee per mailing is five cents per recipient or $85, whichever is greater. Lead time is ten business days.
    • POSTAL: Event organizers may send mail in bulk to the whole list or a selected subset; we will affix postage and send the packages. We can arrange for delivery confirmation, etc. We use a local third-party mail handler who does not record the addresses (except that confirmation addresses and registered mail are by their nature recorded). Postal returns will come to you, and you will be solely responsible for list maintenance and accuracy. Our fee per mailing is eight cents per recipient or $125, whichever is greater, plus postage. Lead time is fifteen business days.
  • PRICING. Individual projects vary in volume and complexity. Adequate planning and reasonable lead times are required, usually at least three weeks. For details contact the editors.


Directory Listings
The Business and Sponsor Directory provides links to businesses (alumni related and others) sponsoring this website.
Each Sponsor may have one free listing in the Directory.
Other alumni-related and TC firms receive special discount pricing on directory listings and ads in TCHS Alumni News.
Banner Ads
These are small text or graphic announcements that can appear randomly or in connection with specific content.
Display Pages ("online brochures")
SPECIFICATIONS: All publicity must be family-friendly and related to the purposes of this website and to the interests of its readers, in the opinion of the editors. Various formats (size, shape) are available for banners. Directory listings are similar in content to yellow page directories. Sponsors may place notices in TCHS Alumni News. Our 20,000+ alumni are scattered around the world. (The number of currently registered alumni and page views are available on request to qualified advertisers.)

We have a Facebook page, on which you can submit your personal information for global tracking by advertisers, NSA, CIA, FBI, FSB, PLA... and thousands of spammers around the world. The same is true for several other "social media" sites. In that vein we have terminated our TwiXer page, as it has become nothing more than a continuous stream of propaganda and personal self-adulation of its owner. OR you could just participate in our own alumni website privately and confidentially and do pretty much what you could do elsewhere. We welcome suggestions for improvement.