TCHS Alumni News is an unofficial publication by and for alumni of Temple City High School in California, operated by TCHS Alumni Association. The site is not owned, operated or provided by Temple City Unified School District or any division thereof, nor does it receive any funds therefrom. And if you were looking for a commercial "alumni" site with ads for unrelated stuff looking to score and sell your personal information, you've come to the wrong place.
Search this site or the WWW
Board of Directors

Activities and Services
- Alumni Magazine
- The alumni magazine (this website) is your complete source for activities and events sponsored by and for TCHS alumni. Unlike commercial "alumni" sites having no relationship with your former school, it is a non-profit organization whose sole intent is to bring you news of your friends and classmates without constant advertising or sale of your personal data.
- Member Roster
- Registered members may display the association's member list and communicate privately with others.
- Sponsor Directory
- Alumni businesses and other sponsors in TC and around the world are listed in our community directory.
- Alumni Web Sites
- Alumni and advertisers can build their own sites under the association umbrella. Participating sites can also operate under their own domains.
- Any class with at least 20 subscribed (paid) members is eligible to have a comprehensive class web site with its own newsletter, calendar and photo gallery. For details use the Inquiries form.
Membership is FREE and open to all former students of Temple City High School. There are two types of membership: Registrant and Subscriber. Registrants may read news, communicate with other members, post updates and keep a personal journal to share experiences with others.
If you have registered in the past please check the member list and avoid duplicate registration; that will save us a lot of time. Thanks!
Website Development
If you have news about your fellow alumni, their/your families, their/your businesses, or about TC or TCHS itself (academics, activities...), you can use our News Tips feature in the To The Editor form. If you're really into journalism, we can make you a "reporter" and give you direct access to our publishing tools (subject to OK by the editors, of course).
If you want to comment on what you find here, you can append comments to many elements of the site: the news, the forums and more. To date, our activities have included:
- our newsletter, updated as members send news (you can become a contributor!)
- member to member messaging; visit someone else's profile and use the Write-to... form.
- support for the TC School District 50th Year Celebration.
- member profiles with personal journals
- discussion forums; add your own topic.
- as of January 2020, we've served almost 6.5 milion pages to interested readers.
Technical Support
How You Can Help
- Send us your class list. We will add it to our collection (right). Many of you have fingers, which interestingly can be used in combination with a keyboard and an email program to send us a list, e.g., the one in your yearbook. You can help even more by updating with married names and/or other name changes. We do not add people to the alumni association based on these lists; we wait for them to register themselves, and whenever possible we match them to the class list. Our goal is to find every alumnus.
- Become a class coordinator. We can set up a Group for your class, and each enrolled member can be added automatically in the group. It's almost like having your own site; in some ways it's better, as it complements class information with information about other alumni.
Policies and Procedures
Spam and our Brothers and Sisters Around the World
We've been bothered since 2010 by a person or persons who submit bogus inquiries and send spurious member registrations to our server, apparently in an attempt to gain some sort of benefit we cannot fathom. No harm is done, and they do not get any benefit, but they keep doing it. Sometimes you'll see their phony names in the New Member list. We delete them as we spot them, but we cannot watch the site 24/7. Based on the spelling of the phony names and certain other criteria, we infer the incursions are coming from Russia. The poor scoundrels are more to be pitied than scorned, as that is apparently their best shot at earning a living. (Russia is, of course, famous for inventing what others have already invented. A 1950s joke said that the most successful Russian inventor was Comrade Reguspatoff. Think about it.) So, Pоссийский Γовноед, иди в жопу! (If you understand Russian and are not among the culprits, our apologies. Superior culturally aware insults are invited.) —RC
Notes on Names
Maiden names and former surnames. Before you children of the '70s pick up your pens to denounce our backward ways, please note: Our naming convention follows standard newspaper formats. It is not about political correctness, the battle of the sexes, income inequalities, gender bias, etc., etc. It is about making sure we correctly identify people and help them to communicate. In the forms, "former surname - maiden name" is optional and should not be included if it is the same as your current surname. It most often is the former surname of a married woman but occasionally reflects a change of surname. In general you should fill out the forms in such a way that your former classmates will easily recognize it. 'Nuf said.
Business Plan Summary
Member Communication: It is our hope to improve continuously those features of the site that help members and classmates communicate both individually and as groups. Our immediate objective is to put in place a permanent organization to maintain the member database, the website, and associated services.
Scholarship Support: It is our hope that we might be able to build an endowment that would support scholarships for post-secondary education for both recent graduates, lifetime learners, and eventually the descendants of former alumni. Ideas for creating and funding such opportunities are earnestly sought and welcomed.
Revenue will come from Subscriptions, Fees and Advertising. Both annual and lifetime subscriptions will be offered, starting at a token $1 per month. Fees will be charged for reunion support and other labor intensive activities of the staff including development of group emails and other management services for special events. Advertising may be offered to businesses (a) in Temple City and adjacent communities; (b) belonging to or employing enrolled alumni; (c) otherwise supporting the objectives of the association.
The association receives no support from any institution, including Temple City High School and the Temple City Unified School District.
Current expenses include website registration and technical support; collection and editing of news and images; support of affinity groups (e.g., classes, clubs...) within the association; and other activities; Internet access and other telecommunications; taxes, licenses, legal and accounting fees. At some point it will become necessary to employ paid editorial staff to serve the estimated 25,000 to 30,000 alumni who might register.