We do not send spam, and we wish others would follow the same policy. Unfortunately that is not the case.
We've been bothered since 2010 by someone who sends spurious member registrations to our server, apparently in an attempt to gain some sort of benefit we cannot fathom. No harm is done, and they do not get any benefit, but they keep doing it. Sometimes you'll see their phony names in the New Member list. We delete them as we spot them, but we cannot watch the site 24/7.
Based on the spelling of the phony names, we infer the attacks are coming from Russia. The poor scoundrels are more to be pitied than scorned, as that is apparently their best shot at earning a living. (Russia is, of course, famous for inventing what others have already invented. A 1950s joke said that the most successful Russian inventor was Comrade Reguspatoff. Think about it.) So, Pоссийский Γовноед, иди в жопу!
(If you understand Russian and are not among the culprits, our apologies. Superior culturally aware insults are invited.) -RC
Alumni News Views
Recent Posts
- Commercial alumni sites often scams or click bait
- Track/football stadium closes for renovation
- Class of 1984 to assemble in September
- Alumni-related firm promotes cooking-oil recycling
- The Pacific Electric's TC Extension — Once and for all
- Celebration planned as athletic field closes for remodel
- Tips on getting that first job after high school
- Baby it's ??? outside!
- Business Directory Returns!
- Alumni offspring needs a hand
- TCHS Girls CIF Volleyball Champs
- Class Reunion Cruise // Canceled - No Group Reservation
- Class of '74 Photo
- Torosian's Broomball reaches bookstore shelves
- TC to Celebrate 100th Year
No, you're not wrong. The order of articles in the News changes as updates and reader comments are added, placing more recent content at the top of the list. We hope this enhances your experience.