TCHS Alumni News
Temple City High School, California
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Celebration planned as athletic field closes for remodel
TCHS will close its football and track stadium (North Field aka Hitchcock Stadium) after the current term ends. A new facility will rise in its place. At this time no reopening data has been confirmed, but if you care to shed a tear you can attend the June 7 event described in the poster.

A bit of history: The football and track facility opened in fall 1959 and was named North Field after 1960 honoring school's founding principal, Arthur North. The Hitchcock Stadium designation was added in about 2010 marking former coach Bob Hitchcock teams' long run of successful seasons and championships. To paraphrase Santayana: those who forget history are doomed to name stadiums that already have a name and occasionally to print misleading posters.

reesclark60 - Apr 29, 2024, 9:47 AM
As juniors & seniors, Jerry Gardner '60 and I shared the field announcer role for the first two years of TCHS football at what was later named North Field honoring founding principal Arthur North. There was no broadcast booth in those days. We took turns hauling microphone cables along the edge of the field, as close to the action as possible.

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