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Temple City High School, California
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Most of TCHS Alumni News content is free and public. Selected content requires registration, which is free. Optional subscriptions give access to additional features, and paid members are eligible to help make decisions about the development of the association and the site. Benefits

Annual Membership $12

You will be billed after a five day free trial (cancel before five days and pay nothing) and annually thereafter at the same low rate. The procedure creates an account that will bill your card annually for 20 years, after which your annual membership will convert to a lifetime membership.

Lifetime Membership $168

Your prepaid lifetime membership saves you about 30 percent over 20 years compared to annual payments. Over time you will automatically receive any new benefits and privileges associated with membership. This is a one-time payment, and no billing account will be created. (Our card processor may offer you an account; it is optional.)
1950s students areound table with documents

Why Should You Subscribe?

Your subscription keeps this site on line, linking members across the US and in several foreign countries, and any surplus (we keep hoping) is accumulated for development of a scholarship fund. You help to defray the very real cost of providing the alumni news and roster site. Paid membership in TCHS Alumni News Assn. also offers many other benefits.
All members can
  • look up and contact other alumni via private messaging
  • create a personal gallery within your profile
Subscribers can also help to determine the course of the association, and they can
  • create and comment on news items
  • add or moderate topic(s) in alumni bulletin boards (forums)
  • receive heads-up mailings on special events and opportunities
  • serve as class editor/coordinator and edit a class site
  • participate in assn. elections; be eligible to hold office
  • serve on the association's board of directors by election
  • post a free listing in our sponsor directory
Non-members can use many public features of the site. Full membership is by subscription only.

What Will the Association do with the Money?

To be clear, the Assn. receives no support from any public entity. It is entirely supported by volunteers and subscriptions. Subscription funds go to the following purposes.
  • Hosting fees. The Assn. incurs fees from internet service providers for storage and bandwidth.
  • Off line backup. Editors maintain backup copies of the text and artwork of the website. The systems used must be maintained and updated.
  • Domain registration and DNS supervision.
  • Custom programming. Some of the elements of the website have been designed to specification, and as internet standards change they must be maintained. This is a professional skill that requires continuity.
  • Telecommunications. Just like you, the association must pay for connectivity.
Should we ever have a surplus (hope springs eternal), we will
  • pay an editor for the many hours it takes to keep all this straight; could that be you?;
  • pay a programming team to up our game by upgrading to modern technical options as they arise;
  • pay for alumni search and member recruitment;
  • provide greater support for alumni events like reunions (we've consulted gratis for several);
  • add capacity to support
    • mass storage for audio-visual content to create a permanent archive
    • video functionality using paid third-party services
    • outreach to community businesses for additional support and networking
    • lifetime career-building services for alumni
Finally, our long-term goal is to build an endowment to provide scholarships to alumni in support of lifelong learning. Stay tuned!


You will be billed securely to any major credit card. Your credit card statement will reflect a charge by Clark Internet, our web host, for TCHS Alumni Assn. Membership (may be abbreviated). If you are subscribing annually, our provider will attempt to bill the same credit card each year. Thanks!