TCHS Alumni News
Temple City High School, California
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Y'all .Com and See Us Now, Y'hear?
We've acquired the domain TCHSALUMNI.COM and made it a synonym for our usual .org domain. Now you can type either name into your browser and get the same result.

We're hopeful the change will make our site more discoverable. This would be a good time for you to invite missing friends to register. You can use the simple form linked at the left side of any news page.

We've now had 1,318,295 page views since we last initialized the counter in 2009. The tally then stood at a similar number, and even more have delved into the archive of the old original platform. Thank you!

(PS: If you came here looking for Tuscaloosa County High School Alumni Assn., our web hosts have a swell platform for alumni sites.)

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