TCHS Alumni News
Temple City High School, California
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Merge Your Offline Class List
If you have an offline class list in electronic format we can probably merge it into the alumni database. There are several benefits:
(1) members can maintain their own data
(2) accuracy is improved
(3) you don't have to hunt them down for reunions
(4) and the list goes on.

We recently merged the class of 1971 from an Excel file, adding nearly 300 TC friends to the system. We are happy to do the data processing work and return a cleaned up copy to you. All contact data are confidential and are used only for alumni-related information.

Because much of older lists predates the era of email, many people are not accessible by that method. If this includes you, please share your email data with your class coordinator, and we will coordinate with her/him. This procedure keeps us from accepting contact data from other people than your classmates. Once your email is registered you can maintain your own data, No class coordinator? This could open a whole new career for you! :-)

For more information write to the editor.

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