TCHS Alumni News
Temple City High School, California
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Class of '96 Reunion Planned
We just received word of a C/96 reunion September 30. Details are in the Calendar. Please contact the organizers and encourage them to update TCHS Alumni News; none of the organizers is registered with us.

This poignant reminder appeared at another web site that charges users to post news we carry free:

Hi Class of 1996, In order to get you all in the spirit of our upcoming reunion, let's take a look back at the year 1996.

- SuperBowl XXX - Dallas Cowboys 27 - Pittsburgh Steelers 17
- Major League Baseball World Series - New York Yankees v Atlanta Braves (4-2).
- An estimated 150 million people watched as O.J. Simpson was found not guilty for the murder of his ex-wife and her friend.
- At the start of the year, there were only 100,000 websites, with 45 million internet users
- This year's holiday gift craze is the Tickle Me Elmo Doll.
- Disney buys the ABC television network.
- Janet Jackson signs what may be the last big music/record deal, when she has an $80,000,000 agreement with Virgin Records.
- The 28.8k modem is the new household standard for internet access.
- Microsoft releases Explorer 3.0 Web browser.
- The Oakland, California School board elects to recognize black english, termed Ebonics as a separate language.

(Presumably Janet Jackson's outfit held together long enough to sign. RC)

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