TCHS Alumni News
Temple City High School, California
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Class of 1960 REUNION! Research


  1. We'll ask friends to add contact data. (April 2019)
  2. We'll publish the revised list.
  3. We'll use public sources to search for the missing.
  4. We'll repeat until we find everyone.
In preparation for a prospective, maybe-gonna-happen, disappointment-possible REUNION!, this list will go through several stages. You can participate in this forum if you would like to help.

Your Committee

The following victims persons are spearheading this effort: Dave Morris, Janell Marr Gregson, Rees Clark, see your name here and the Little Red Hen.

Yes, You Can Help. Thanks for Asking!

Please review
  1. the roster of all classmates from the 1960 Yearbook
  2. the member list here at showing missing information.
If you have suggestions for additional names, or if you have contact data, send them to the committee with this UPDATE FORM. Our primary goal is to find all of the approx. 276 names at left and fill in the blanks in the list of approx. 169 at right. If not, then when the roll is called up yonder, we'll have some 'splaining to do.

  • Ω = DECEASED = The person will not be attending the reunion.
  • EMAIL = The person's email address is obsolete.
  • PHONE = The person's telephone is obsolete.
  • ADDRESS = The person's postal address is obsolete.
  • BLANK: The person is not in touch with the alumni association.

Class List from 1960 Yearbook

You may wish to suggest names of other friends who were classmates but did not finish their senior year at TCHS.

Roger Adamson
Yvonne Anderson Treydte
Phillip Andrist
Steven Atherton
Daniel Baldwin
Gary Ball
Yolanda Banker
Beatrice Barrios
Ω Fred Bateman
Ω Richard Beckley Dickson
Frances Beesley
James Berg
Charlotte Bettis Lang
John Bibler
Beverlie Bigenwalt Falley
Steven Blakesley
Annette Blanchard Rose
Ω Karen Braun
James Brewer
Nolene Bricken Showalter
Clifton Brown
Robert Browning
Penny Bruce
Norm Bruckman
Gino Brunengo
Bill Bryant
Joe Buccola
Ω Ron Burkholder
Ω Ron Burstein 2005
Mel Caho
Armida "Terry" Camacho
Erick Carlson
Jeanie Carmack
Donald Carpenter
Ω Barbara Carson Rumpf 1996
Cheryl Cederdahl
Mike Christensen
Joan Clark Gaffney
Rees Clark
Jim Cole
Robert Collins
Kenneth Conklin
Linda Cook
Carol Cordes Marmaduke
Michael Cornelius
Homer Cox
Brad Crosby
Carole Crosby Waller
Donna Currier Whelan
Janice Curtis
Shirley Cutler Bailey
Barry Davis
Lynn Davis Mortensen
Meredith Davis
Jerry del Signore
Louise de Martino Topjon
Harold Lee Denning
Judy Depew Nicholas
Larry Detweiler
Robert Doddy
Gail Dolbee
Ron Douglas
Sue Downing
Dave Dufel
Linda Eastman
William Elliott
Ω Randy Emerson 1984
Karen Engebretson
Robert Ewing
Ω Pat Finch 2013
Linda Fitzgerald
Fred Flippin
Janet Flippin Slaton
Kathy Foley Schilling
Sydney Ford
Tom Ford
Gary Freeman
John Frey
Jeanine Funk
Michael Gail
Jerry Gardner
Rick Gaylord
Dieter Gerlack
Gary Gettings
Ronald Glass
Carole Goodman
Robert Graeser
John Grancich
Mary Ann Grande
Sherrie Gray
Radford Green
Ω Jon Greene
Gerda Grunwald
Carl Gunderson
Laura Halbe Harris
Ω Sandra Hales Balvin 1994
Nina Hall Watje
Bill Halverson
Carole Hanson
Richard Harker
Rick Harp
Helen Hauck
Ω Shelley Hawkins Couch 2016
Harmon Heed
Steve Hendrix
Linda Henry Codron
Elizabeth Hermann Guldner
Linda Hoe Yarnell
Suzanne Holmes
Linda Holt White
Edmund Hooper
Donna Howard
Ω Sharon Huff Bloom 1990
Tom Hutcheson
Vicky Ipson Grage
Mary Karen Jackson
Ω John Jenkins 2016
Ω Bobbie Johnson Norberg
Cheryl Johnson Wineinger
Craig Johnson
Ω Fred Jones 1998
Bruce Jorgensen
Ω Barbara Kahn Millard 2014
Rik Katzmaier
Suzann Kelleher
Harold Kellogg
Richard Kidwell
Ilse Kiening
Don Kiloh
Pat Kirby
Ed Kirste
Cecilia Kolb
Ralph Y. Komai
Ron Koury
Don Kramer
Karen Kramer
Sue Kratochvil Dahl
Chuck Lang
Deanna Langston
Lyle Larson
Norma Lauderdale
Vercille Layne Cruz
John le Fave
Richard Lefler
Charles Leonard
Carolyn Less Dierksen
Judy Lindberg McDonald
Judy Logan
Arthur Lombardi
Sue Longstreet
Steve Love
Linda Luther
Guy Mackey
Sandy Maloney
David Mann
Rose Ann Mannina Redman
Dolores Manning
Margaret Marconi
Janell Marr Gregson
Reagan Martin
Ω Deena Matlack 199x
Karon Mau Locke
Joan McAuley Thompson
Clifford McCreery
Chappie McCulley
Mary Jane McCune Bush
Susan MacDonald Burkhart
Robert McEntee
Don McNeil
Jane McNeil Wimmer
Milo Medley
Pam Megahan Brunengo
Joyce Menconi
Priscilla Merrit
Dennis Meyers
Jim Miller
Ronald Miller
Judy Million Pirrie
Carolyn Minsky
Lynn Moffett
Sue Montague
Judy Moon Lewicki
Kathy Moore
Ω Sue Montague 199x
Leroy Morkre
David Allen Morris
Linda A. Morris Humphreys
Janet Muck Kavanaugh
Ronetta Nelson Wilkes
Jack Norberg
John Oberg
Linda Olsen
Dennis Olson
Ω David Parker 201x
George Parrish
Janet Peckham Pearson
Rex Pecoraro
Judy Peroni
Sam Petrie
Jack Petralia
Jacque Sue Pluzynski
Steve Poole
Chuck Porter
Bill Pursley
Jackie Raef
Robert Raines
Ω Gary Ranker 2019
Sue Rassmussen
Katie Reese
Bob Rickson
Shaaron Ritchie
Tony Rizzo
Ω Joyce Roberts Dolan
Marilyn Roberts Snyder
Charlotte Robinson
Ann Roccapalumbo
Ω JoAnn Rodgers Olsen 1994
Linda Rokes
Richard Rosenbohm
Barry Ross
Elizabeth Ross Anderson
Gary Runyon
Judy Rue King
Bonnie Ruwet
Pat Schubert
Billie Ann Schuder Edwardes
Bill Schuelke
Joe Sepe
Toivo "Ted" Sepp
Marion Susan Serres
Ed Schanick
David Schattler
Arlene Shaw Kronquist
Judy Sherrard Aguilera
Elizabeth Shideler
Andy Sichler
Barbara Sigeti
Ellen Sisola
Clyde Smith
Judy Smith
Russ Smith
Ω Doris Snyder 2013
Donald L Solsby
Adelaide Sorenson
Mike Souther
Judy Springer Staab
Kathy Springer Hendricks
Richard Steck
Jill Stelle Dickson
Jackie Stephens
Carolyn Strand Zubris
Carol Strangman Poole
Mary Strawn
Carol Sweet Williams
Becky Ann Swift
Rocky Talley
Dennis Taylor
William Tillman
Ω Philip Earl Thorndyke 2016
Jane Trummel
Shirley Tschan Ford
Bob Turner
Ronald Uhler
David Vannatta
Linda van Dusen
Gary Walfield
James Walker
Steve Walker
Jackie Warner Nicholson
Ω Karen Webster
Penny Weisz
Kay Welch Smith
Patty Wetmore Rice
Joan Wetzel
Bruce Whittier
Terry Wiese
Rosie Williams
David Wood
John Woodward
Jerry Zernickow

Ω = Deceased; date shown where known.

Member List

We have partial contact data from registered TCHS Alumni News users and the 2010 reunion. We lack the items shown by each name. Information you supply will not be published on the Web.

Yvonne Anderson Treydte Phone
Steve Atherton Email Phone Address
Danny Baldwin Phone
Gary Ball Email Phone
Charlotte Bettis Lang Phone
John Bibler Email Phone
Beverlie Bigenwalt Falley Phone
Stephen Blakesley Phone
Annette Blanchard Rose Phone Address
Jim Brewer Email Phone Address
Nolene Bricken Showalter Phone
Bob Browning Email Phone Address
Gino Brunengo Phone Address
Mel Caho Email Phone
Joan Clark Gaffney Phone
Rees Clark Phone
James Cole Email Phone Address
Kenneth Conklin Phone
Carol Cordes Marmaduke Phone
Mike Cornelius Phone
Homer Cox Email Phone
kevin crabill Phone
P. Brad Crosby Email Phone
Carole Crosby Waller Phone Address
Donna Currier Whelan Phone
Shirley Cutler Bailey Phone Address
Lynn Davis Mortensen Phone
H. Lee Denning Email Phone Address
Judith Depew Nicholas Phone
Larry Dettweiler Phone Address
Tom Dennis Diaz Email Phone Address
William Divale Phone
Carolyn "Sally" Dixon Heaverne Phone
Virginia Dover Johnson Phone Address
Bob Evans Email Phone Address
Fred Flippin Email Phone
Janet Flippin Slaton Phone Address
Kathy Foley Schilling Phone Address
Sidney Ford Phone Address
Thomas C. Ford Email Phone
Gary Freeman Email Phone
Jeanine Funk Franson Phone Address
Michael Gail Phone
Jerry Gardner Email Phone
Rick Gaylord Phone
gary gettings Phone
John Grancich Email Phone Address
Radford Green Phone
Gerda Grunwald Email Phone
Bob Hahn Phone
Laura Halbe Harris Phone Address
Nina Hall Watje Phone Address
Bill Halverson Phone
Rick Harp Phone
Helen Hauck Riedstra Phone
Harmon Heed Phone
Linda Henry Codron Phone
Elizabeth Hermann Guldner Phone Address
Linda Hoe Yarnell Phone
Suzanne Holmes Phone
Lynda Holt White Phone Address
Tom Hutcheson Email Phone Address
Janice Ingrao Kennedy Phone
Vicky Ipsen Grage Phone
Mary Karen Jackson Email Phone Address
Ralph Johanson Email Phone Address
Cheryl Johnson Weininger Phone
Bruce Jorgensen Email Phone Address
Rik Katzmaier Phone
Hal Kellogg Phone Address
Rich Kidwell Email Phone
Ed Kirste Email Phone Address
Ralph Komai Phone
Karen Kramer Phone
Sue Kratochvil Dahl Phone
Charles Lange Email Phone Address
Vercille Layne Cruz Phone Address
Richard Lefler Email Phone
Charles Leonard Phone Address
Carolyn Less Dierksen Phone
Judy Lindberg McDonald Phone
gary lindley Email Phone
Art Lombardi Phone
Linda Luther Dietz Address
Guy Mackey Email Phone
David Mann Phone Address
Rose Ann Mannina Redman Phone Address
Janell Marr Gregson Phone
Karen Mau Locke Email Address
Joan McAuley Thompson Phone
Red (Chappie) McCulley Phone Address
Mary McCune Bush Phone
Susan McDonald Burkhart Phone Address
Jane McNeil Wimmer Phone
Milo Medley Phone
Pamela Megahan Brunengo Phone Address
Judy Million Pirrie Email Phone
Judy Moon Lewicki Phone
David Allen Morris Phone
Linda A. Morris Humphreys Phone
Janet Muck Kavanaugh Email Phone
Ronetta Nelson Wilkes Phone Address
Jack Norberg Phone
John Oberg Phone
Dennis Olson Phone Address
Janet Peckham Pearson Phone
Steve Poole Email Phone
Robert Rains Phone
Gary Ranker Phone
Shaaron Ritchie Bangs Phone
Tony Rizzo Email Phone Address
Marilyn Roberts Snyder Phone
Charlotte Robinson Thompson Phone
Richard Rosenbohm Email Phone Address
Elizabeth Ross Anderson Phone
Barry Ross Email Address
Judy Rue King Phone
Bonnie Ruwet Wilcox Phone Address
Billie Ann Schuder Edwardes Email Phone Address
Ed Shanick Phone
David Shattler Phone Address
Arlene Shaw Kronquist Email Phone
Judy Sherrard Aguilera Phone
Andy Sichler Phone
Barbara Sigeti Burleigh Email Phone Address
Ellen Sisola Hull Email Phone Address
Russ Smith Phone
Donald Logan Solsby Phone
Mike Souther Email Phone Address
Kathy Springer Hendricks Phone
Judy Springer Staab Phone
Jill Stelle Dickson Phone Address
Carolyn Strand Zubris Phone
Carol Strangman Poole Phone
Carol Sweet Williams Phone
Rebecca "Becky" Swift McClellan Email Phone Address
Dennis Taylor Email Address
William Tillman Phone
Shirley Tschan Ford Phone Address
Bob Turner Phone Address
Ronald Uhler Email Phone
David Vannatta Phone Address
Jim Walker Email Phone
Jacqueline Warner Nicholson Phone Address
Penelope "Penny" Weisz Ford Phone Address
Kay Welch Smith Email Phone Address
Patty Wetmore Rice Email Phone Address
Dave Wood Phone
Jerry Zernickow Phone Address
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