Grade 11 council 1958-9

Ruling with iron fists.
Class of 1960, as eighth graders at Emperor School

Ready to launch a whole new school.
My Hero

Camellia Parade memory.
Class of 1967, Almost

Before TCHS there was Longden.
Camp Tonda 1952

Were you a Girl Scout in 1952? These girls were.
How many can you name? Are you among them?
The First 'Who Are We'

Published in April 2002. The class of 1960 named the people but not the event.
Dancers 1958/9

We can't ID them all from this view either.
The Real Power

You've been called to the office (ca. 1959).
Send us in, coach!

Footballers practice their game faces.
The Conspirators

Clearly the revolution is in the making.
Valentines Day Dance 1960

Lynn Moffett, Gary Ranker, Dick Pearson (hoping Newton was right), Jane McNeil, Linda Skelley and John Bibler make the g